smoothie vs juice

This post will tackle the age-old dilemma of smoothie vs. juice, to help you decide if or how you might want to incorporate either one into your lifestyle. 

With the new year coming up, many of us are thinking about how we can live healthier, especially in terms of diet and nutrition. Nutritious smoothies and juices are some of the top ways to incorporate healthy habits and foods into your daily diet. 

Read on for some of the pros and cons of smoothie vs. juice. 

Smoothie vs Juice – Pros and Cons 

Both smoothies and juices can be incredibly nutritious. From green smoothies to superfood juices, you can get a ton of your daily nutrition in with just a simple and convenient drink. 

Benefits of both smoothies and juices include: 

  • versatile – can customize with different ingredients 
  • can help with special diets 
  • convenient 
  • hydrating 
  • energizing 
  • can make use of foods that would otherwise go to waste (at home) 

However, there are some differences to consider: 

Pros -Includes all parts of ingredients, including fibre 
-Fibre helps counter sugar spikes 
-Variable texture and thickness 
-Easy to drink -Hydrating 
-Concentrated nutrients 
Cons -Not as concentrated 
-Can feel heavier in the stomach 
-Concentrated sugars 
-Lacks fibre 
-Blood sugar spike 
-Not as satiating  

Note on fibre: 

Fibre is really a major difference between smoothies and juices. Smoothies retain the high fibre content of fruits and vegetables, which helps regulate sugar metabolism. Fibre is important for reducing blood sugar and insulin spikes that can occur due to the high sugar content of fruits.  

Fibre also helps you stay satiated for longer, and can help with weight-conscious diets for that reason. 

Juices, on the other hand, extract just the juice and nutrients of the ingredients, leaving behind the fibre. This means you have to be more careful with the ingredients in your juice to make sure that it’s not just pure sugar; juice is one of the easiest ways to spike your blood sugar. 

Note on digestion: 

In terms of digestion, some people find smoothies are easier on digestion because of the fibre content, others find juices are easier on digestion because of the lack of fibre. How each one affects you will depend in part on your general diet (i.e. how much fibre and water you are already intaking) and digestive health. 

Blending vs Juicing 

Both smoothies and juices can be very expensive to purchase from a store or juice/smoothie bar. 

For this reason, as well as for convenience, you probably want to make your own. Smoothies and juices can easily be made from home, and the best part is that they can be customized to your taste and nutritional needs. 

*On this site, I’ve got tons of diverse smoothie recipes, so give some of them a try! I include nutritional information and tips where applicable, to help you find the smoothies that will work with your health goals.* 

If you want to start blending smoothies or juicing juices at home, you will need either a juicer or a blender. Each have their own advantages and disadvantages, which I cover in this post. Be sure to check it out before making an investment in either appliance! 


In the eternal debate of smoothie vs. juice, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. The choice between blending and juicing depends on your taste preferences, lifestyle, and health objectives. Whether you opt for the robust versatility of smoothies or the concentrated purity of juices, the key is finding the perfect blend for your wellness journey. 

Share your thoughts below – are you Team Smoothie or Team Juice?

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